Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Team Junky versus Team Sana

Yesterday I went running with my friend, a chain-smoker and self-proclaimed junky (although his definition of junky is questionable) who happens to have the endurance of a marathon runner, putting me to shame as I panted behind him, face the color of jamon crudo, while he floated effortlessly ahead. I don't smoke, I try to eat well and exercise just about everyday. True, since coming to Buenos Aires I've indulged a bit more than I normally would in the States. My block alone literally has three bakeries, all of which have windows displaying baskets of glazed medialunas, facturas, cheesecakes, everything that I can't say no to. This, along with the fact that meat is cheap and I've been eating steaks the size of my head for lunch everyday, has perhaps slowed me down a bit. However, it still came as a surprise that someone who has smoked for more than half their life can out-run me. After two hours of puffing along Libertador, stopping only to hose down, or to walk cautiously through the field of unleashed Rott Weilers and German Shepherds, I decided that my whole concept of what it means to be healthy is bull-shit, informed by a North American dichotomy of gluttony and self-denial. We label things as unhealthy, when it is really not about the things themselves but our unhealthy way of using/misusing them...

1 comment:

  1. i know this aint facebook but.....

    im pretty sure that western medicine has most of what is healthy down pat. especially the part about not being a junky and smoking a lot. we both used to smoke and we both know its not healthy in any way shape or form.

    btw as much as it pains me to read your poetic, descriptive, laced with spanish blog, i love you and i like knowing what you share with the world. (i just kicked myself after writing that last part)


